• Do You Know How Many Thousand Chemicals are Used in the Australian Food Industry?

    Do You Know How Many Thousand Chemicals are Used in the Australian Food Industry?

    More than 7200 “registered” pesticides, fungicides and herbicides used in the food production industry.
    I wonder how many are “unregistered”?
    If you are like me and would love to buy organic products all the time, but budget is making it tough, here is a list of fruit and vegetables you should prioritise to buy organic due to the impact of the pesticides, fertilisers and growth hormones that are used on them.

    The “Dirty dozen + 1:
    1. Apples
    2. Celery
    3. Cherry tomatoes
    4. Cucumbers
    5. Grapes
    6. Carrots
    7. Potatoes
    8. Nectarines
    9. Peaches
    10. Spinach/Kale/Chard
    11. Strawberries
    12. Brocolli
    13. Capsicum
    Since moving down I have started our own vege patch which i am so proud of – considering in the city I couldn’t even grow herbs.
    It is amazing how easy it is to grow some veges with a little bit of TLC and a lot of netting to stop the butterflies eating my broccoli or laying their caterpillars aargh.
    At the moment I am growing broccoli, kale, spinach, chard, cauliflower, tomatoes (not to successfully), leeks, beetroots and loads of herbs. Plus our lemon and mandarin trees.
    I am loving going out daily with my daughter and getting her to help water the vegetables and putting in a bucket what we will eat that night.If you have some space in your garden or on your balcony try a little organic garden.
    Here are a few snaps from our garden – Our lemon tree, mandarin tree and my little tomatoes.