One of the most important health benefits of training on a VibroGym is the impact on your hormonal secretions, including the HGH (Human growth hormone) also known as the “fitness” hormone.

The higher your HGH serum level, the healthier, leaner and stronger you will be.

Training on the VibroGym activates the fast and super-fast muscle fibres throughout the body, which promotes the release of exercise induced growth hormones.

HGH rapidly declines after age 21, so once you reach 30, you start to enter what’s called somatopause which is when your metabolism really starts to slow down.

The amount of HGH you secrete depends on how much lean body mass and belly fat you have. The more belly fat you have, the less HGH your body produces.

One study by Bosco et al. (2000) showed that after ten repitions of WBV training the effect on the hormonal system was:

460% increase in the growth hormone
7% increase in testosterone
But a 27% decrease in cortisol

Another study in 2004 proved that WBV stimulated GH secretion, reduced circulating cortisol and reduced plasma glucose.

WBV Training decreases cortisol levels in the body during and after training.

  1. Erskine J, Smillie I, Leiper J, Ball D, Cardinale M. Neuromuscular and hormonal responses to a single session of whole body vibration exercise in healthy young men. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 2007 Jul;27(4):242-8. PubMed PMID: 17564674.
  2. Di Loreto C, Ranchelli A, Lucidi P, Murdolo G, Parlanti N, De Cicco A, Tsarpela O, Annino G, Bosco C, Santeusanio F, Bolli GB, De Feo P. Effects of whole-body vibration exercise on the endocrine system of healthy men. J Endocrinol Invest. 2004 Apr;27(4):323-7. PubMed PMID: 15233550.
  3. Giunta M, Cardinale M, Agosti F, Patrizi A, Compri E, Rigamonti AE, Sartorio A. Growth Hormone-Releasing Effects of Whole Body Vibration Alone or Combined with Squatting plus External Load in Severely Obese Female Subjects. Obes Facts. 2012 Aug 24;5(4):567-574. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22922806.

The vibrations have a positive impact on your hormone balance, increasing the blood level of Growth Hormone, reducing the blood level of cortisol, and increasing the blood level of testosterone for men.

See article “Hormonal response to WBV in men, European Journal of applied physiology“, 81, 449-454,(2000)
To improve your HGH and other hormone levels come in today and see how training at Aurora Active can help you.

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