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- Keith DeOrio, M.D. The Power Plate- A Revolution in Fitness, Wellness, and Healing
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A HIGHER MUSCLE PERFORMANCE compared to resistance training. The use of Vibrogym increases muscle strength. Isometric, dynamic and especially explosive strength are improved, more than with conventional resistance training.
See article “Strength Increase after Whole Body Vibration Compared with Resistance Training” – Delecluse C, et al , Journal “Medicine & Science in Sports & exercise”,(2003).
This study points out that the good results achieved using WBV are due to the combination of the vibration plate and exercises, not to the routine itself:
(The routine done on its own without WBV performed very poorly compared to both the same routine with WBV and to the conventional resistance group).
Another study finds similar results about the explosive strength. See article:
“Acute and residual effects of vibratory stimulation on explosive strength in elite and amateur athletes” , V B. Issurin and G. Tenembaum, Journal of sports sciences, (1999).
It can stop the bone density decline.
In the normal population, bone density can be of concern, with a long term threat of fractures and disability.
The BMD (Bone Mass Density) is a marker of possible osteoporosis for the elderly.
The BMD peaks in the mid 20’s, and then decreases progressively over the years, especially for women after menopause.
The Vibrogym can help keep strong, dense bones.
See article “Effects of 6 month WBR training on hip density, muscle strength and postural control on postmenopausal women, a randomized controlled pilot study“,”Journal of Bone and Mineral research” (2004).
The vibrations have a positive impact on your hormone balance, increasing the blood level of Growth Hormone, reducing the blood level of cortisol, and increasing the blood level of testosterone for men.
See article “Hormonal response to WBV in men, European Journal of applied hysiology“, 81, 449454,(2000)
The WBV improves coordination through increased activation of proprioceptors.
See article “The feasibility of whole body vibration in institutionalized elderly persons and its influence on muscle performance, balance and mobility: a randomized controlled trial“, Bautmans I, et al, BMC geriatrics (2005).
With a 40Hz vibration training, the muscles contract and relax 40 times a second (2400 a minute) thanks to a local reflex (the TVR as explained above).
The contraction/relaxation acts as a pump, causing increased blood circulation and so increased blood supply to muscles as they are used..
As a result, muscles continually receive all the nutrients and oxygenation needed in order to sustain a prolonged workout; whereas in conventional training, prolonged muscle tightening can induce a lack of oxygen.
This is why Vibrogym training helps to prevent both muscle injury and soreness after exercise.
See article “Oxygen uptake in whole-body vibration exercise: influence of vibration frequency, amplitude and external load“, International Journal of sports medicine, (2002).
The WBV helps decrease cellulite.
Research performed in Germany found that 6 months of Vibration training, 3 times a week, (11h total over 6 months), resulted in a 25.68% cellulite loss. The same program coupled with cardiovascular work out resulted in an average reduction in cellulite levels of around 32.30%. This was also over a period of 6 months and totaled 40h training.
See article in English, Sanaderm (2003).
Vibrogym history
While Whole Body Vibration (WBV) may seem like a brand new technological innovation, the use of vibration for therapeutic purposes actually dates back to the ancient Greeks who utilized it for enhanced healing of injuries. Their device consisted of a sheet of fabric with one end wrapped around the injured body part and the other end tied to a flexible saw that provided the vibrations. Then, late in the 19th century, famed physician John Harvey Kellogg used mechanical vibration to treat patients suffering from various conditions at Battle Creek Sanitarium.
The first description of the functioning of the rhythmic neuromuscular stimulation method (RNS – the technique that today’s vibration methodology is based on) dates back to 1960 when Professor. W. Biermann, of the East German Republic, described so-called “cyclical vibrations” capable of improving the condition of the joints (by stretching) relatively quickly. After the building of the Berlin Wall, the former Soviet Union took over this East German method, and these insights literally disappeared behind the Iron Curtain.
A Russian called Nazarov was the first to scientifically test and prove the positive effects of vibration on the human body.
Nazarov was a trainer of top athletes in the Soviet Union and achieved unprecedented results in the areas of explosive muscular strength, flexibility and recoverability. Research into biomechanical stimulation has developed enormously since the 1980s.
Today, the importance of Nazarov’s findings is no longer restricted to the realm of (top) sport. Vibration training and therapy is used successfully all over the world for medical treatment and general fitness.
The Russian space program utilized WBV to allow their cosmonauts to stay in space longer without adverse results. Later, ballet dancers with minor muscle injuries (i.e. Achilles tendonitis) discovered that vibration aided their healing process. They also found that their muscular strength increased and that their jump height increased, with only one fourth of the effort or time of traditional training methods. This led many of Russia’s top Olympic athletes to adopt WBV into their training regimens. Since this time, many other athletes have discovered the benefits of vibration training.
In 1999 the Dutch designer and inventor, Marcel Tamminga of the Latam company, invented the Vibrogym. With a team of industrial designers, technicians, programmers and training specialists, Marcel Tamminga laid the foundation for a revolution in Body Vibration.
Nowadays it is widely used by top athletes, as well as in rehabilitation and for specific illnesses e.g. arthritis, MS, ME, parkinson, osteoporosis.
The Vibrogym increases leg strength in young women
Whole-body-vibration-induced increase in leg muscle activity during different squat exercises
Roelants M., Verschueren SMP., Delecluse C., Levin O., Stijnen V. (2006)
‘WBV and the reflexive muscle contraction it provokes, has the potential to induce strength gain in knee extensors of previously untrained females to the same extent as resistance training at moderate intensity. It was clearly shown that strength increases after WBV training are not attributable to a placebo effect.’
The Vibrogym increases leg strength in older women
Strength increase after whole-body vibration compared with resistance training
Delecluse C., Roelants M., Verschueren SMP. (2003)
‘In conclusion, muscle strength and speed of movement of knee extensors and counter-movement jump performance increased significantly in older women after 24 weeks of WBV training.’
The Vibrogym increases leg strength with weights for soccer players
Moras G., Tous J., Munoz CJ., Padulles JM., Vallejo L.
In conclusion, WBV at 30 Hz transmitted through a vibration platform in half squat position without any additional load significantly increased the normalised EMGrms activity of all muscle portions studied compared with the nonvibrating condition of the same position.
J.D. Bastian, W.Franz
Lutrina Klinik, Department of Knee Surgery, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Research shows using the VibroGym expedites recovery of muscle performance after ACL rupture. Combination with conventional physiotherapy, exercises on the VibroGym lead to improved muscular power, enhanced proprioceptive abilities and stabilization of the art. genus. As a result, this special kind of therapy can be used for stabilizing joints and preventing additional trauma. VibroGym therapy is significant for anyone wanting to recover as quickly as possible from this kind of surgery in order to get back to normal daily activities such as work and sports.
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)
The VibroGym can help reduce Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) and speed the recovery of muscle power after intense exercise.
The role of vibratory massage on treating delayed onset muscle soreness
Pietzsch FJG. University of Brighton (2004) (MSWord file)
‘The findings within this study suggest that vibratory massage may also be a useful rehabilitation intervention for those individuals who suffer from delayed onset muscle soreness. This would have implications upon employment of masseurs and open a debate to determine their necessity. In turn this may make the role of masseurs redundant and reduce on-going rehabilitation costs.’
The VibroGym improved a number of key measures of fitness for post-menopausal over 6 months
Effect of 6 month whole body vibration training on hip density, musclke strength and postural control in postmenopausal women: A randomised controlled pilot study
Verschueren SMP., Roelants M., Delecluse C., Swimmen S., Vanderschueren D., Boonen S. (2004)
‘In healthy postmenopausal women, a 24-week whole body vibration program is feasible and able to modify muscle strength, balance, and hip bone density which are well-recognized risk fact
Balance and Flexibility
The VibroGym can help improve strength, balance and flexibility in geriatrics in 6 weeks
Bautmans I., Van Hees E., Lemper J., Mets T. (2005)
‘We can conclude that 6 weeks static WBV exercises are feasible in elderly with limited functional dependency, and might be beneficial for balance and mobility.’
Muscle Activity
Prue Cormie, Russell S. Deane, N. Travis Triplett, and Jeffrey M. McBride (Pdf doc)
Basal Metabolic Rate
The VibroGym can increase BMR with little exercise and massage in 6 weeks
Metabolic Study (2003)
The difference which really jumped out in the out comes was the vibration group experienced an 18% increase in resting metabolism while the control group showed a 2% decline.
The VibroGym decreased cellulite in 24 weeks by 25% with VibroGym. With the addition of cardio training reduction improved to 32%.
Fighting cellulite – MSWord document
Sanaderm Health Clinic – Germany (2004)