Want a Sugar Free Alternative That is High in Iron and Great for Kids?
Blackstrap molasses – a super food for you and your baby.
Now that our little girl is on solids and is a great little eater, i have been searching for recipe’s that are not only yummy but full of goodness.
It is healthy as it contains the nutrients that are removed during the refining process that makes white sugar.
Mum came to the rescue and said when we were little she would give us molasses daily as it had so many healthy nutrients.
Iron – Is crucial for your child’s growth and development as it makes the haemoglobin which supplies the oxygen to the cells through the blood. It is also needed for the brain to function and develop
Calcium – So important for bone and teeth development
Magnesium – important for bone development
Copper – helps with iron intake
Potassium – helps body to store carbohydrates
Molasses isn’t overly sweet so you can add it to most foods and you only need a little bit.
Add it to smoothies, pureed foods, instead of sugar when baking, stirred through custard or yoghurt, add to some warm milk are just a few ideas.
When you buy blackstrap molasses make sure you buy the unsulfured variety.
Check out my recipe for a delicious and healthy banana loaf.