Your Heart Will Beat on Average 3 Billions Times
Two very inspirational mothers who we are helping to prepare to run the New York 1/2 marathon are doing it to raise awareness and finding for the heart foundation.
You have probably heard of people having heart attacks but do you know the stats for heart disease? It’s alarming and scary.
- Number one killer for women in Australia.
- 98 men have a heart attack every day and 1 in 7 will die.
- 1 out of 100 babies are born with heart defects and is the cause of more than 30% of deaths in children.
There are many types of heart diseases including; heart attacks, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, deep vein thrombosis, angina and many more.
The good news is heart disease is mostly preventable:
- Being active
- Eat healthy
- Be smoke free
- Regular health checkups
- Drink alcohol in moderation
- Maintain good social and emotional health
There is some great information on
Make sure you know the signs of a heart attack and what to do.
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